A new species of monkeys was discovered yesterday, the 26th of october by biologists in the country of Myanmar. Monkeys were previously discovered by local hunters who gave the biologists tips on how to find them. According to the local hunters it is easier to find these monkeys in the rain because you can then hear the monkeys sneezing. The monkeys are very ugly in my opinion because their nose is actually upturned. it almost looks like the monkey is actually missing it's nose. The monkeys have to sneeze when it rains out because water from the rain will actually pour into their nose so the sneeze to keep the water from entering their nose. They have to sit with thier heads tucked between their legs and arms to protect themselves from the rain.

Apparently there is only about 330 of these newly discovered monkeys in the world today and they only live in one small region of Myanmar. Besides being an endangered species the monkeys have another threat; there is construction being planned on a new dam as well as new roads to go through the monkeys habbitat.
I think its crazy that there are still new species of animals being discovered today, this makes me wonder how many more new species are really out there throughout the world. I find it horrible that even with this endangered speices as well as other species living in this habbitat that people still want to tear it apart. Im no animal rights activist but I think that Deforestization on the level its at today, especially with the rain forest needs to stop. Obviously the human population is growing at a large rate but to take so much away from these animals habbitats is really messed up in my oppinion.
I agree that deforestization needs to stop. It's sad that the animals living there don't even have a fighting chance.